Scriind postarea asta am realizat că povestea pe care mi-o spuneam despre una dintre primele mele amintiri nu e neapărat singura variantă posibilă despre cum s-au întâmplat lucrurile. Dar vă zic de pe-acum: eu votez cu varianta A.
This is a travel story made of little pieces. The image I’m putting together shows the why behind the interest in democratic education which led me to a one month learning journey to Brazil. I’m writing from a bed in Cotia, São Paulo, with feet so cold that I wish I had carried fluffy woolen …
The Handmaid’s Tale and the Silver Earring
There’s a fragment in The handmaid’s tale by Margaret Atwood that really caught my attention while reading it. Well, it’s fair to say that lots of fragments in that book caught my attention, but it was different with this one: it stirred some memory. This happens quite frequently while I’m reading, and I usually just keep …